The flowers

There are so many different types of flowers that grow here that you do not have in the States. I think you have these though. They are called Peruvian lilies. I absolutely adore them. They last, easily, 1-2 weeks and really, the only way you know they are going bad is by the leaves- they start to turn yellow. These I bought these 5 days ago for Ivan’s birthday, and they still look fresh.

We plan to by a new bunch each week, once we get to the apartment. We should be in by mid October, barring anything unforeseen happening. Bonus- there is a flower vendor on the street, just down from our apartment, so I doubt they will be very expensive. When they sell things “on the street”, there is no rent to be paid to a shop owner, so they can charge whatever they want for there goods. I will show more flowers as we buy them. More tomorrow.