The first photo

Here is the first photo of the new baby that belongs to the Garcia’s. They just returned from having their first ultrasound, and both said I could post it.


I am calling the baby “she” because it is wishful thinking. The baby that died was female, Lupita is her name, so I think they need to have another girl.

It was so cute. Jesús held up the ultrasound, and I took the photo, with the window covering in the background. I showed the photo to Gabi, and asked him if he knew what that was. He shook his head, so I told him it was a baby, in his mother’s belly. He looked at the photo, then went over to Liz, and put his hand on her belly, and smiled. The memory of it makes me smile, too.

Then, I told him it was either a new brother, or sister; which did he prefer? Of course, he wants a brother. The rest of us just want a healthy baby, born when he/she is supposed to be born, and with all of the requisites necessary for a long, and happy life; in the time of CoVid. *(note below)

Of course, I will keep you updated on their progress through the next months. I do not believe Liz had prenatal vitamins, and good prenatal care like she does now, so we are all praying that this will help with this baby’s development, and prognosis. More later.

Until then, continue to stay happy, and healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

* This is a reference to the book, Love in the Time of Cholera (Spanish: El amor en los tiempos del cólera) a novel by Colombian Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez. The novel was first published in Spanish in 1985. Alfred A. Knopf published an English translation in 1988. I always thought the title interesting.