The end

All good things, the best things, must come to an end.

And they have.

My sister in law just informed me that she can’t send down our CARE packages anymore that contain food, and medications. Estafeta has changed their shipping regulations.

So have all of the other shipping companies I have checked. looked most favorable, but they, too, can’t ship food stuffs, or medications out of the US!

We can no longer have General Mills Cheerios, or dried spices, or Nexium sent to us. The US no longer allows those items to be shipped out of the country. WTH(F)?

I tried, and that was a “no go”. I tried Mercado Libre. Nope. No, again.

What is an expat supposed to do? The only thing that really concerned me was the Nexium, but we can get a generic form down here, for an arm, and a leg.

Guess I’ll have to exchange him for someone less expensive, huh?

Just kidding. About the exchange 😉

Enjoy all of the riches the US has to offer, in our names.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script; We will learn to adjust, and become welcoming of the items we can acquire here. Be assured.

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