The art of window film application

It is official- Ivan, and I, are the King, and Queen, of window film application! We bought window film before we left the States because the windows in the apartment we were buying all looked out into the inner square that is the “back side” of the apartment building behind ours, as well as the other resident of our building. (See the photos at the bottom of this post.) There is absolutely no privacy in this type of arrangement. And, as some of you know, we are not curtain people. This lack of privacy is a common problem here so we started sharing our supply of film with family and friends.

This was our first application, here at our cousin Juan’s house. This door leads to the garage in which, normally, 6 cars are parked. At present, we have taken up the space of 1 1/2 cars with our totes! Now, however, with the window film, they still get the light from the garage but not the sight of all of the stuff in the garage.

Juan’s bedroom, also garage facing

The photo above is of Juan’s bedroom, which also faces the garage, then, the photo below is his bathroom. None are visible from the garage any longer.

Juan’s bathroom
Enrique’s apartment- the two sets of windows to the right are his laundry room and study, and the left set are in the kitchen.
Enrique’s living room, and bedroom windows. Notice how the windows all face the center of the building? This is the same as in our building. You get the natural light from the opening above, but you sacrifice privacy for the light.

Until we put up the window film for both of these spaces, Juan, and Enrique’s windows, anyone passing by, or looking out their own windows could look directly into these private living spaces. That, or they had tohave their curtains pulled closed throughout the day. Now, thanks to the window film applications, they can leave their curtains open, enjoy the sunlight coming through, all without worry that someone can see into their homes.

It does take time, and patience in abundance to apply, however. This is not something you want to undertake with a limited time frame. Just getting the film separated from the protective layer is a task in, and of, itself. Then there is the cutting the film to fit your window surface. You first have to decide if your end game is insisting on perfection, or, if providing much-needed privacy is the goal. For us, once it was confirmed, by both home owners, that privacy over perfection were their goals, we were free to make executive decisions about how we filled in the smaller spaces at the top of each window, because, of course, the film did not match the dimensions of the windows. (Because that just would not be right, now would it?!?) Did we try to line up the patterns to each window, or could we fill in the spaces as we had the film to do so? The latter was the case each, and every, time. We did, however, make a concerted effort to keep the areas at eye level, those spaces that would be the looked through the most often, we made them as perfect as we could.

I must say, here and now, that we are getting better, and faster, with each application. By the time it is our turn, on our windows, we should be able to finish in record time, this art of window film application.

4 thoughts on “The art of window film application”

  1. I have 3 big windows I would love to do this to but I have been warned that it doesn’t come off very easily so I chickened out, but may reconsider after seeing this 💗

    1. There are many beautiful patterns of film on Amazon that are non adhesive. Those are the ones we buy. You spray the window with water, after washing the windows first cut to fit and Bobs your uncle. Thanks for comment. Glad you’re enjoying the blog. Oh, also, with the non adhesive film, you can take it down, use it elsewhere and change up the view whenever you want. 😘

  2. I took your advice!!! I am applying window film today!!! I love it and if I knew how, I would upload pictures, but I don’t so I won’t 🤪

    1. Download it in iMessage and, if it ok with you, I will insert it into the post. Have fun with it. You can leave small spaces in between sections for a little less privacy or cover completely for complete privacy. Glad you enjoyed it. Love you.

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