It is done


I cleaned the refrigerator. I could not stand opening the doors, and looking at the dirty shelves another minute. It took me almost two years to get to it, but only two hours to get it done. It was worth every minute. I did not even consider taking a before photo but I did take an after one. Here it is. (Some photos from in the process too.)

Please, understand that cleaning this refrigerator means that I have to pull the dang thing almost completely out of the wooden casement in which it resides. Let me show you.

If it is not pulled out, I cannot take any of the shelves, or drawers, out of it. However, once it is pulled out, as you can see, anything, and everything is possible.

In the above photo, you may be able to see that I was able to, finally, but with extreme trepidation, remove the glass that covers this drawer. It is standing upright in the sink. Can you see the light reflected on it?

So, everything is out of the dirty, disgusting fridge, and now, on the dirty, disgusting floor. (That cannot be good either. Oh well.)

Once again, everything is organized, finally. I cannot wait to need something from in here, and be able to go right to it.

I had taken one of the small white shelves off the left door almost a year ago, thinking, for some reason, that we did not need it. Duh! Those things that are now in said drawer were having to live on one of the glass shelves inside the fridge. Now, all of the small jars are grouped according to their specialty; catsup and mustards, pickles, tall bottles, Asian condiments and wines.

How long will it stay like this? One can only hope that it will last quite a long time. My mind does so much better when things are organized.

In the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. I have to go wash the kitchen floor, now that the fridge is done. The floor took the brunt of this cleaning.