Muchas cosas

There are so many things running through my mind at the moment that I want to impart. Unfortunately,

I can’t remember half of them.

Why? Because we have spent the entire afternoon in the Instituto Nacional de Migracion.

Ok, yes, we were out of the apartment, but stuck in the building for nigh on 4 hours, waiting to be told that, of course, I didn’t have the papers needed to extend my residency here permanently. And, as usual, I didn’t. Par for all of my experiences thus far.

I was, however, able to conduct the interview entirely in Spanish, thank you very much. I did not, however have any of the forms needed to process said extension. Alas.

Fortunately, the very nice young lady, whose badge I was unable to read, gave me the information needed to obtain the necessary documents, on line. It took me about 20 minutes, at home, online, to accumulate, and correlate said papers, put them into a large ziplock bag, (going to buy a plastic portfolio eventually) and will return, in the morning, (after paying for the changes in residency), to finish, hopefully forever, my residency status.

Tomorrow, I will try to recall, once I have settled down a bit, and post the myriad other thoughts I was having today.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.