Once again

We are out and about, having walked to the bank, then on to the Mercado.

Tomorrow we are going to go to Costco for milk. It is about 10 km. but the cheapest place to buy cases of milk. To buy the liter boxes individually is cost prohibitive. This time, however, we are only buying for ourselves and the Garcia’s. Should not be too expensive.

Today, though, we have to pay one half of our association fees and the balance next month. It rounds out to roughly $1000 total for the year. Not bad consistency the building in which we live.

On another note, I made 7 lbs. of Italian sausage this morning from scratch. We now have 10 packages of same, each roughly 200g. up to 400g. And it is delicious. Better than what we used to buy in the store.

I cleaned out all of the pork butt from the freezer, giving me the 7 lbs. and off I went. Here is what happened.

Cut up and ready to grind.
Ground and mixed with apices, ready to package.
Ready for the freezer.

The small package on the top right pile is for tomorrow; I will fry it up in a couple of patties to see how the flavors melded. This morning, it was amazing. Going to need just a bit more fennel seeds though.

Tomorrow, I plan to make spaghetti and sauce, all homemade, from scratch. While that comes together, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.