

I was up half the night a few nights ago, and came up with a better arrangement for the kitchen counters. This is what I mean.

In the first photo, before I rearranged them, everything was opposite of where they are now. The oven was facing forward on the far left, and the coffee maker, the coffee grinder, and the paper towels were where the oven is now. That was great ‘cuz I use the oven most days, especially when I bake bread.

In the next photo, I cleaned most everything off of it so I could keep the Vitamix blender on the counter, as I have been using that more frequently of late, making sauces, etc.

In the top photo, you may be able to see that there is a lot more counter space than before. Now, I can roll out dough for tortillas, or pie crust without having to move half of the stuff around. I also put the electric kettle away, as I have two new stovetop kettles. Each kettle holds three liters of water; one kettle to wash dishes, the other to rinse.

Here, you can see all of the counter space plus the new kettles. I bought the red one first, but, as I kept using it, I kept burning my fingers where the red plastic handle meets the metal part. Duh! So, in order to save my little piggies, I bought the second one. It is by Pykal, a very popular brand in Australia, if I recall correctly, and it has a “stay cool” handle and a wider base. Both whistle, so when I am in the bedroom, on the computer, as I am now, I can be summarily summoned to the kitchen to do the dishes.

Speaking of the dishes, here is the set up I was telling you about. There are two red Rubbermaid™ heavy plastic bins in the sink, one to wash, the other to rinse. Then, with scalded hands, I set them in the drainer, on top of the washing machine. A lovely use for the machine, if I do say so myself.

The black thing hanging down on the left is the paddle for the wind chimes I have hanging there. The breeze, lately, has been playing beautiful melodies.

Well, that is about all I have to tell you for today. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I read on FB yesterday that Ivan’s aunt Gloria passed away this past week. Yesterday would have been her 95th birthday.