Such a day

I have not slept yet; not since, at least, yesterday.

I don’t think.

I really can’t remember. I nap, because, as mom used to say, “just rest your eyes. You don’t have to sleep, just close your eyes, and rest.”

I have tried to close my eyes, and rest; to no avail.

Today, however, we went to Costco, and bought out their meat department. Good thing for you, you didn’t follow us. You would have been very sad to see nothing left in their refrigerated meat area.

We bought another sirloin primal, to be cut up, and dealt with tomorrow. (All I really wanted was the sirloin cap, or the picaña.) It is an amazing part of the sirloin; probably the most succulent piece of meat on the entire cow. Really. It is praised here, and in many Latin countries around the world, as the “queen of meat”. If you ever try the cap, you will understand why, exactly, it is so revered.

I am going to cut up the primal piece tomorrow; cut up, and sous vide the picaña. I can’t wait. We have gotten a fresh batch of handmade, completely from scratch, corn tortillas, from Alicia, (Liz’ mom), and I am ready to make some incredible salsas so we can devour this picaña.

I will try to remember to photo everything so you can enjoy the picaña with us.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.