
We recently left our favorite store, well, really, one of our favorites, Costco. As we were pulling up to the stop lights, we noticed several pylons, all around the crosswalks.

Normally, none of us would have said a thing, or, have taken notice, but, in looking down, in between said pylons, we noticed that the city workers were painting the crosswalks a beautiful orange, blue, green, and, yellow. The design is modern, and, coming across this surprise of colors, well, it just makes a person smile.

That has always been one of the biggest draws for me, coming here to live- the colors. The cars, here, for example, are all different shades of red, blue, green, turquoise, yellow, pink, and orange; not all black, or white, or grey. The houses, shops, restaurants are colorful as well. You cannot go one block, which contains ten to fifteen houses, and/ or shops, and/or restaurants, without walking, or driving passed a rainbow of colors.

At night, most of the these same buildings are illuminated, and now, especially since it is close to the holidays, they are lit with all types of Christmas lights. Stunning.

Colors here are essential, I believe. Everywhere you look, people are wearing brightly colored blouses, skirts, jackets, shoes, handbags- you get the idea. I believe, also, that the people that “appear” to have the least amount of worldly possessions have the most amount of color around them.

In the mercados, there are women that sit, and make colorful beaded items- bracelets, coin purses, earrings, book markers, all with the most beautiful, but tiny beads. And not a single one of them wears glasses. Amazing.

I know that, up North, there is only the color of Christmas, right now, and, as I recall, that would be enough. But not for me. I need color everyday, and as much as I can get. We have yet to find material for the cushions that will go on our couches, and chair. But, the real colors will be in the pillows we get that will go on the couches, etc.

Our bedding I actually bought purposely full of colors. One of the duvets I bought, this time last year, is actually called Belles Artes- the huge performing arts center here in downtown México City. How prophetic was that?

Enjoy all of the color you can, when you can. Let me know if they make you smile, too. Happy Holidays everyone.