Still here

We are all still here; still trying to adjust.

It takes time to add another person to one’s life; especially one that is in need of continuous care. Not that it is inconvenient, or uncomfortable; it is an obligation, and a privilege.

Unfortunately, for me, it is also a lot of physical work. An obligation is just that, however; an obligation we took on several years ago.

Another unfortunate thing, for us, is that we are watching my father in law, Juan, going into a continual decline. I try to keep his mind occupied, with shows on the computer, or, try to get him to sit up on the side of his bed, or, perhaps, to walk down the six feet long hallway, but, alas, he wants to do none of the above.

He does not even want to eat anymore. When I ask him if he is hungry, he always answers that he is not. So, I have to cajole him into eating anything. I truly thought we could bring him out of this tailspin as easily as we had before, but, not so. This time, I am afraid, he is winning.

He can, occasionally, get up to the bathroom, but cannot sit, or stand, for any length of time. He will not walk more than to the bathroom, and back, so flexing those painful back muscles is almost impossible.

I encourage him to drink a smoothie that I make him daily, that has a fresh banana, protein powder, chia seeds, psyllium husk, milk, and water; just to keep some fiber in him so he can more easily move his bowels. There are days when he will not even take more than a swallow or two. He will eat a bit of papaya, but only if I badger him.

Mostly, though, he sleeps. He sleeps most of the day, and, I assume, quite a bit of the night.

Good days, bad days. There have been more of the latter lately; I want more of the former. We cannot all have our way.

Please, keep Juan in your prayers. We continue to do what we can, and will do so until there is no more to be done.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.