Staying here

We had entertained an idea of taking Juan to Los Altos with us, to end his days there. That did not happen.

We were going to build an addition on to the existing house of Jesús’s parents, and spend the rest of our lives there. That will no longer be the case. Now that Juan is gone, the dream is gone as well. We will stay here, visiting Veracruz from time to time, nothing more.

It is such a shame that he/we will not live in one of the most beautiful states here in México; to be so close to the Gulf of México, as well. We had high hopes, even loftier dreams. We are back on planet Earth now, in our own little spot of terra firma.

Thank you, everyone, that shared with us their lovely memories of Juan; they meant so much to us. And, most especially, to our family, here, and friends, that helped us in our time of need, anxiety, and grief. Things will never be the same.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

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