Speaking of cleanliness

There is a new cleaning lady, here at the house. And, gosh, can she clean!?!

Today is her third time here, and I have never seen a person clean like she does. She actually moves the furniture! (Obviously, not everyone does).

The first time she was here, last week, she washed the frosted glass window partition that separates the dinette from the actual dining room area. Then she moved all of eight chairs from around the dining room table, and swept the carpet underneath the table!!! She even swept and washed the patio!!! Who does this type of cleaning?

Pepe told me this morning that Adriana is a nurse. Well, no wonder! Now I understand. As a nurse, she understands the importance of cleaning, and how, in this time of germs, and bacteria, it is important to clean as much as possible, as well as possible. Arturo, (P&P’s #2 son, remember the party?) has been sick for a week with what sounds like bronchitis. And, two weeks ago, Juan, our cousin, was in bed for at least a week with a horrible cough.

I know- you hear this every year, but I will repeat it for you, again. Please, if you do nothing else this cold and flu season, WASH YOUR HANDS. Every time you cough, or sneeze, stop what you are doing, and wash them- well! This can save you, and those around you, from getting the flu.

I have gone many a year without getting sick, while others around me are hacking and coughing, forgetting to wash their hands. Those of you, my former coworkers, may remember me saying, “if you touched something, wash your hands. If you think touched something, wash your hands. If you are not sure if you touched something, wash your hands”. Seriously, you cannot go wrong washing your hands. It just may save your life someday.

Now that we are living in a country we do not know, we each keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in our purses, and wash our hands as soon as we leave any store, or building we have been in.

If you look online at the people society feels they need to remember as having passed away this past year, so many of them have died of “pulmonary complications from an infection of the lungs”. As we should all know by now, infections in the lungs are spread by coughing, and/or sneezing, which is then spread by the airborne droplets, which can, then, become surface infectants. Washing all surfaces, plus, of course, your hands, will help decrease the spread.

Enough sermon. It is just something I have been very passionate about for many years. Thanks for listening.

Enjoy the winter in peace, and good health. (WYH).