Speaking of

YouTube videos.

I recently mentioned TrekTrendy, (I think), in one of my posts, and wanted you to know that I have successfully binge watched almost his entire list if vlogs. I didn’t spend much time on the originals as they are so different to the newer ones.

His name is Will Davis, and is someone who reviews luxury vacations, i.e. first class cruise ships, first class, and economy flights all over the world, and, more recently, train rides, again, all over the world.

He takes a flight on a particular airway one time, from, say London to New York, then gives an honest review; how much it costs normally, then how much it cost him. He also tells how he got the price he did, be it with air miles, buying extra miles, etc.

He eats different things from the menu to let you know what to expect when you fly this particular airline, going to this particular part of the world, what is included for the price you’re thinking of paying, and what isn’t.

If the airline is good, but the amenities are crap, he tells you so. If the plane is outstanding, the food the best he’s had in the air, but the bedding is hard to sleep on, he tells you.

It’s an addictive channel as he flies frequently, and I do mean that. He has hundreds of videos flying, sometimes, to, and from the same cities, but on different airlines, to show you what each airline has to offer, not to mention the difference frying this type of airplane, or that one.

The bulk of his vlogs are 10-20 minutes, 10 being more the norm, but he flies almost weekly, and the bulk of those are transcontinental. Those are the most costly flights, and if you’ve never flown that particular airline, or on that type of plane, you may not know what to expect.

He also finds out, especially flying first class, or business, what first class lounges you have available to you, included with your ticket. Not all airlines inform their clients of these features.

Anyway, it’s an amazing time, flying all around the world, in first class. Or taking a cruise, or train, all over the world. They are all places I doubt I will ever see, but can through this channel.

Give it a shot. Let me know what you think.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: it’s probably a difficult job but someone has to do it. 🙂