Speaking of

CARE packages.

We got another one the day before yesterday from our favorite youngest sister, Mayra. Thanks doesn’t cut it. Look at what we received.

First, let me say that she had originally sent all of these in 2 boxes. The folks at Estafeta, the shipping company, decided to put them all into 1 very heavy, 52 lbs. box. That would have been fine except that the night before, we lost our power in certain parts of the apartment, which also included the elevator. You should have seen us lugging this behemoth up 2 flights of stairs. It was pathetic. Golly we’re getting old.

Our 3 favorite pickled veg.

Mind you, we bought all of these things because we can’t get them here; well, certainly not at the cost we can get them from the US. I will have to see if the shipping charge, and her time, is worth the cost of having them shipped here. I hope so.

Yes, there is a plethora of candles, 23 actually. I bought them, actually, to have them for the fall, and winter; even as Christmas presents. Things conspired, however, to delay their shipment, (we kept buying stuff,) so we didn’t get them until just. There’s always Easter.

Bisquick, in the size box you see, costs about $390MXN, or $20USD. Would you want to pay $20 for a small box of Bisquick? Oh. Maybe, with this new administration you are paying that much.

We try not to look, too often, at the cost of the items we need; it can make cooking, then eating said items difficult. The cost of things, here, is getting difficult, as it is said to be in the US. We have to eat, shower, wash our clothes, so we do what we must.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.