Speaking of

Long underwear.

My husband bought me a pair two weeks ago in anticipation of the week we have just begun here in Veracruz. I poo pooed him for it but am now so very blessed that he did. It’s down to 37°F at night.

Last night, as I wrote about, I started the night in my trusty flannels. Wrong. We we under the mountain of coverings, (also in the post), and it was unbearable. I actually began hyperventilating a bit. He encouraged me to get out of the flannels, and put on the long underwear he bought me. I did as I was bid.

Imagine, if you will, leaving a very warm bed, about 2:30 am, and digging through the backpack that contains your stuff. Then, as if that’s not enough, stripping out of your overly warm flannels, and changing into your ice cold new long johns. Brrrr!

Trust me when I say it was worth every second it took.

They are from Nautica, and I have to say they are amazing. They are so lightweight, and warm, but, if you happen to sweat, which I didn’t, they wick it away from your skin.

As we didn’t sleep the night before we left, we finally got to sleep about 3 am. Didn’t get up until 1:30 pm this afternoon. In fact, el señor has gone back to sleep, bless him.

I forgot to say that we also slept with a short stocking cap on our head, my CPCP straps under the cap. That was the first night of the 10 years I’ve used the mask, that I didn’t lose sleep messing with the straps that hold it against my face. Score!!!

Wait just a minute. I swear I can hear a baby goat crying. Not sure why. Gonna check it out.

There is a baby goat, crying downstairs, in the room off the kitchen. I knew I heard it.

He’s crying because tomorrow he’s going to be dinner for the whole family, on New Year’s Eve. Sorry buddy. Everyone, thank Chapo. I named him that, for the sacrifice he’s going to make.

Can you see him?

I looked all over for him; on the floor, under the table, to the far left, behind some supports, but couldn’t find him anywhere. I asked Sarai, Jesús’ S-I-L, to show me where he was.

Hahaha. Never expected to see him there. At least he’s no longer crying. Good bye Chapo. Thanks again.

Speaking of, we wish all of you a Happy New Year, and a healthy one. Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.