Speaking of …

You may be interested to know that ninety five percent of the plants we have are still thriving. Yes, I have managed to “over love” a few, but, for the most part, they survive.

I found an app called Plantin, that helps me with the watering schedule. Finally, something that I can input all of the plants we have, and it notifies me when they need to be watered. I do believe this will help me learn their schedules on my own; maybe; after loads of time. Hopefully.

Thus far, it has kept me from doing my usual “you look like you need just a little water; it won’t hurt you” routine. I have so many plants now that I cannot remember which ones want water, and which ones do not. The app was about ten bucks for a year; well, heck, that has already paid for itself in the plants it has saved from my well-intentioned clutches.

Another thing I discovered was that the sun has changed its trajectory quite a bit since March, when I first began obtaining the “jungle”. The windows I thought would give them the most sun, have become only bright indirect sun light. That is fine; coming through the window covering seems to give the light a little boost without the heat. Though, it is only May, and the heat is coming, it is not too hot at present.

The other thing I learned was, in the evening, when the sun lowers significantly, I can turn on the lights at the West end of the living room, and, in the spare bedroom, (someday to become our office), and the plants respond as if it was a weaker version of the sun. How neat is that?!

Many of the plants I bought said they were capable of growing in “low light”, however, they do not thrive in the lower light. They are, now, growing nicely with the additional light in the evenings. Yay.

It seems like things will get better over time. We will be patient, and see. The plants, now, that do not make it, will probably not be replaced. I need to learn, for now, how to take care of what we already have, and be grateful for them.

I am.

Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.