Sourdough bread

I have started another sourdough starter.

Three, actually. One with the last sourdough starter I bought from, one from just AP flour, and filtered water, and one, (tomorrow) from the Einkorn flour I sprouted, then dehydrated about a year ago.

The sprouting makes all of the difference when using whole grains for baking. It reduces the amount of oils natural to the grains, and extends the “shelf life” of the flour by years.

I purchased about 25 pounds of whole grain Einkorn berries, you may remember the post(s), sprouted about 2 pounds, ground that into flour, removed some of the kernel, but left most, and now, finally, with the help of my beloved, recipes with which to start Einkorn sourdough starter, how to make a soft, moist fresh loaf of Einkorn bread, pizza dough, cinnamon rolls, well, you name it.

The results will be forthcoming, I assure you. The first will be the results of the starters, all 3, each with their own properties. Next will be the results of the baked goods resulting from the aforementioned starters, (each will be defined, and scored). The last will be the best of whichever I decide would be the best for any of you to try.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: a quick update. This afternoon I went to check on the two starters that are on day 2. The results were amazing. The one I started without any assistance was bubbling like crazy for its first day. The one I started, having use a portion of the last package I have of the sourdough starter that I bought which was harvested here in CDMX had, at best 2 small bubbles. I’ll continue to update as I go along.