Sonic, in the park

While walking in the park the other day, Liz and I had the opportunity to witness a real live superhero in action. It was thrilling, to say the least. He is Sonic, the hedgehog, played, in the following video, by Jesús Gabriel Garcia- we just call him Gabi.

Though he is only four years old, he changes our lives every day. They, Gabi, and his folks, have come to live with us as the size of their dwelling absolutely does not work for them. It makes me feel ashamed to think that the administrator of this building thinks it is acceptable. Believe me, prison cells are bigger.

Anyway, something else I wanted to tell you about are the cuttings I took from a jade plant, in the park, just across the street from our building. All of the jade plants around the park are huge old things that remind of me tortoises; big, leathery shells. The plants themselves have trunks on them with three inch circumferences. Let me see if I can show you what I did with the cuttings.

My plan is to “reallocate” more cuttings later on in the week, as back up. I am in the process of propagating some of the succulents that we have, so back ups are a must. The problem, as I see it head on, is that it takes weeks for the divided portion to take root, and begin its reproduction. It will definitely be a test of my patience3.

Two different colors of Flamingo Lilies.
Our second, and third Darling orchids. They grow beautifully here.
The original Darling orchid. Still going strong.

I do not know if you can tell in the photo, but the geranium is growing at about a forty five degree angle towards the opening between buildings; nothing is growing straight up. The two jars contain the roots of some cilantro we bought, recently, at a local market.

The roots, most of them, rotted, and were discarded. (I almost was sick to my stomach; the smell was horrible. It was a very good thing they were “out the back”.) The geranium got a face lift, and will, hopefully, recover before the weather changes too much. It looks better, anyway.

That is about all I have to report on for now. See you again, soon. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.