
I think rocks are smarter than I am.

Seriously. I just wrote a post about my latest exercise experience, using the Svelte app. What I failed to realize is that I had such a great workout routine going, so many months ago, doing those back, and core strengthening exercises every night that I had been doing.

So, why did I stop doing them?

Not sure. All I know is that I was able to walk all around the park, and even to the market, and back, without having to stretch every 500 ft. for the entire walk.

So, why a did I stop?

It’s 2am, and I’ve been out, in the living room, on the floor, doing the original back/core strengthening exercises I was doing for weeks. I want to walk the 10,000 steps I’m supposed to walk every day. I want to walk around the park, the market, or to Walmart, and back, pain free.

I’m going to go back to doing what worked so I can drop this weight that doesn’t want to budge, no matter what I do. I’m going back to what worked for me. Period.

‘Nuf said. I’m going back to bed. Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.