Something ventured…

Again, my loving husband volunteered me to make dinner tonight. We bought two huge pieces of freshly caught salmon, at Costco, yesterday, and decided to try a similar lemon butter sauce, but with roasted veggies, instead of the horrible steamed veggies I made last time.

Roasting veggies: asparagus, carrots, chayotes, new potatoes, and purple onion with olive oil, garlic powder, and salt.
All finished roasting at 260° C. Took almost an hour!!

Here is dinner- finished with lemon butter sauce, with butter, lemon juice, white wine, capers, garlic, honey, and cream. It turned out quite lovely.

Simply- salmon with roasted vegetables.

Roasting the salmon at about 140°C for 15 minutes is magic! All of the 13 pieces cooked slowly, at the same time, and were done in the time it took to make the lemon butter sauce, approximately 15 minutes. They were soft, and moist, in the center’s and not overcooked. Everyone enjoyed it.