Something to show you

We were walking through Perote the other day, and, as luck would have it, I happened to look across the street, and was graced with this.

These are video cameras made to look like dragons, or gargoyles. Are they not the most amazing things to see on a small street? Some of the folks here had not noticed them either. What a treasure.

A closer look. Impressive.

Then, there is this; something else I had never seen. Jesús and Liz are having a half bath built under their stairs, and, as the living room is not finished, and it is raining continuously outside, the guys are mixing the cement for the blocks, on the living room floor. Why not? It works.

After about a half an hour, this is what they have accomplished. In the next few days, the guys will be back to do the finishing work; sealing the edges of the blocks, then plastering the walls.

Should not be long, then we will be able to use this bathroom, and not have to do go all of the way down one and a half flights of steps, and across the bedroom area that Jesús’s mother and father occupy. They say it is no bother; it is the only bathroom in the whole house, at the moment. It feels like a huge imposition.

I think that is all I need to tell you for today. Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.