Something to share

No. It’s not CoVid19, 20, or even 30!

It’s a neat sponge that you can purchase on Instagram™, that exfoliates your skin, leaving your skin soft, and smooth. It is incredible.

I bought the blue one a week, or so, ago, and have used it twice. My skin hasn’t been this smooth, and soft in years. Seriously! This is one of the items from Instagram that I highly recommend buying, for yourself or for a loved one.

I don’t use it every time I shower, I don’t think it is necessary. But, when I do use it, it is definitely worth the few dollars it cost. Ivan does my back for me, as I am no longer limber enough to get even close; it has made a large impact on how little my back now itches.

As I have said in past posts, there are several things from Instagram that I have purchased, and given to others as time-saving gifts, that were very much appreciated. Not everything works as they would like you to think, especially those peelers that you can use back and forth. Those people are taught, and practice ad nauseum, how to use them so quickly.

Anyway, try the sponge. Look for it in a local store. We have to get ours online. It’s worth it. Trust me.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourself and others.