Something to do

We have been working, putting things away, for the past seven weeks, and, I have to say, we have done a really good job of it.

It has been twenty years since we have had to “put moved things” away. I must, also, say that if we do not have to do this again, ok, in this lifetime, it will be too soon.

However, the compactness of this living space is so much more conducive to making us happy, it is worth the work. The brightness of the condo, now that all of the dark tile is gone, is one of the things I enjoy most. That and the nearness of the laundry!!!

From this-
And this-
To this.

From the first photo, to the second photo, was seven months. From the second to the third, took seven weeks. Obviously, we are not done, but we have come a long, long way in seven weeks.