Some follow up

I had forgotten to show you some of the things we undertook, before the head colds hit us.

I finally found the correct name for this beauty; its common name is Piggyback plant, and the botanical name is something quite different. I will be right back. I have to look it up; again. Tolmiea Menziesii. That was not easy to remember. I have moved it all around the living room, however, now, it resides on the top shelf, where it can begin cascading out of its container. Lovely.

Chiles en escabeche, or chiles in vinegar. The yellow chiles are called Cubanos, and are closely related to the Habanero. If one removes all of the black seeds from the chile, it is quite edible in this form. If one does not, it is only edible by those that enjoy scalding heat. Not interested. Which reminds me that I have to go make more. This jar, though quite attractive, is, also, quite empty at present.

This is one of the results of my latest batch of pineapple flavored Kombucha. It tastes delicious. This, the Flor de Jamaica, mango, and blueberry are the ones I will continue to make for the next little while. The second fermentation goes so well with those fruits.

Lastly, we hung up the iron bars we bought, and I filled them with my heavy cookware. It freed up quite a bit of cupboard space, and in this small kitchen/pantry, every inch needs to be purposeful.

That is if for follow ups today. I will look through my photos as I continue to recover, and see what else I need to share. Thanks for stopping by.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.