So much to do…

There are so many things we are anxious to get started doing, now that fall is upon us, we are unsure where to start. The leaves are falling, the weather is cooling down nicely, and it is becoming more overcast during the day, again, lowering the temperature slightly.

Obviously, we are waiting “as patiently as can be expected” to move into the apartment, and to furnish it accordingly. But we cannot wait to start walking around the park, especially now that they have trimmed everything back!!

The park, on the North side, 90˚ from our apartment. Our apartment is to the right in this photo. The bushes were barely visible when the grass was a foot tall.
This is right outside the apartment, however, they started trimming on the opposite side, working their way towards us.
You can see the gentleman with the wheelbarrow. Yay!!

We are also anxious to, not only walk around the park, but walk to the grocery store when we need something. Will we walk every day, every time we need something? You already know that will not happen. But, to walk, when the weather is nice, and the leaves are falling, what more can you ask for?

There is a small mall about three blocks from the apartment that will, I am told, be the source of most of our purchases that are not from the main grocery stores. I am told there is a tortillería, where they make fresh corn, and flour tortillas; our bank; several barbershops and hair salons; the dry cleaners; many stores of which I am not even sure, since we have not walked through it yet. All within a very short distance, which will help us make more trips, more often. The main grocery store, in our neighborhood, is about 1 1/4 miles each direction. Not bad if you only have a couple items in a few bags, but anything more than that will require a small pull-behind cart, I think. I will let you know.

You can see our apartment, (top pink heart) and the little mall (blue shopping bag symbol).

The mall is about 2 1/2 blocks from our home, which will probably be either a daily walk for fresh food, or every other day. The supermarket is another 7 blocks to the South. As it is close to a kilometer in each direction, those trips will need to be less frequent- possibly by car. What we will need to buy at the Superama will be bigger items that are not easily carried that distance. We are getting older, so cut us some slack. And, remember, Juan is 91 years old. (Though he walks, right now, more than anyone I know.)