So far

So good.

With the NOOM program, there’s plenty of food to eat, no food deprivation, just trying to add more “green” foods to our way of life, and more movement.

Since CoVid incarceration began, we have been catatonic in front of our computers. We live vicariously through the programs we watch. In other words, we watch others living their lives because we can’t.

Well, the other day I walked 1 km to the bank, and the mercado in the Plaza, paid for our license plates, the verification of the BMW, (every 6 months), bought some perishables, then walked another km. home.

Let me tell you what; walking works. I even stretched enough while I was hurrying to the bank. I had procrastinated long enough that I had only 11 minutes before closing. DUH!. I could barely bend my ankles as I was walking so fast! My shins were screaming for me to stop, but I couldn’t.

I did stop, once, for about 20 seconds, just to stretch on a curb about 4 blocks from the bank. When I got there, though, no one was at the ATM, so I withdrew the money I needed to pay for the plates, and groceries, and went inside. Only two people at the window, so it was all over in about 5 minutes, with 3 minutes to spare.

But, back to NOOM. It has been up, and down with my weight but they tell me it’s ok, no worries, keep doing the right thing; weigh myself daily, (ugh!), eat more green foods, and move some everyday.

Walking works. Not to mention that I am never hungry. Well, the second day all I could think about was food. So I ate what I wanted.

No persecution from my advisor, only a reminder that the next day was a new day, to start fresh, and work towards doing the program as I was learning it.

Next week I am going to try riding my foldable bike again. Haven’t done that since last year, and, since I drank too much at the time, it was more dangerous than healthy.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.