So excited

I have to tell you how it’s the little things that make me smile.

I have been using my iPad Pro in its nifty cover that charges my pen, stores it, etc., for roughly 3 years, or more. It is finally giving up the ghost; after all of this time. I have made good use of the investment that it was at the time, so I don’t feel too badly about it no longer working well. Neither do I.

However, having looked into our stack of keypads for the Pro, I have, once again, found Ivan’s Brydge 11.0 Pro keypad/keyboard. My Pro fits comfortably into it, is portable, and types as fast as I do.

When I touch the keyboard, the backlight comes on, plus, I can adjust the light intensity without clack, clack, clacking a key, hoping something, anything will happen. It has taken me half again as long to type the last 10 posts as it is with this Brydge. I can actually keep up with my thoughts, and ideas.

As I said, it’s the little things.

You may be interested to know, that out of 4 bundles of basil cuttings from the store, and 3 months worth of trying, my latest little cutting has roots.

Beautiful smelling, luscious Genovese Basil.

I broke down, and bought a rooting hormone, put some in this little yogurt container, and poof; 3 weeks later, it has rooted. Thank the good Lord. I have a freezer with a ton of basil, taking up much needed space for other things. Now, I need to learn how to make pesto. Loves me some pesto.

Thought you might be interested to see that. Maybe you’ll like this as well.

Yessiree. That’s garlic. Have no idea what I’m doing, just stuck 3 cloves in the dirt, watered it, and they are all growing. You should see the onions. But, that’s for another day. As it is the spring, and the growing season is upon us, everything is taking off like crazy. I like crazy. It looks good on me.

But, you people need to stay happy,healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.