
Many times, I have noticed the different smells of a place.

Sitting here, at the table in the living room, it is eleven thirty in the morning, on a Wednesday. The smell coming through the open windows has caught me unawares.

It is cool, and has a scent that I have come to enjoy immensely. I cannot describe it very well, but it very refreshing. There is no smell of toxins, smog, gasoline, laundry softener, or anything noxious. As I eluded, it is fresh, and clean smelling. It is a smell I, somehow, associate with my childhood.

For several years, we grew up in a very small town on the Mississippi River. The air there, too, was sweet, and clean smelling. Here, however, we are no where near either a small town, or a river. Hmmm. I am at a loss as to understand from where, exactly, the smell originates. But, neither do I care.

I am just going to enjoy it; while it lasts.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.