

Last night, well, 2:30am this morning, I thought I would try the expired Melatonin 3 mg. tabs I have on the shelf in the bedroom.

I know that 3mg. does nothing for me; 6mg. either. So, in my heightened need for sleep, I tried 12mg.

That worked. I slept 12 hours. A wasted day, but much I am much refreshed.

Tonight, I think I will cut back to 9mg. and see what happens. I will either get some more much needed sleep, or I won’t. Stay tuned.

Not much happening around here.

It has been raining daily. In fact, Jesús said last night that yesterday, Gabi thought he could stay home from school because it was raining so hard. We all laughed; Ivan, and I remembering about how we hoped to stay home from work having had 12” of snow during the night.

In the nursing profession, especially nurses in the Operating arena, there is no such thing as staying home, unless one is on death’s door. And, even there, you’d better be highly contagious. If not, off to work you go. Many go, even though they are contagious. That helps the entire staff becoming ill. Not good for excellent patient care, for sure.

In the coming season, please, stay home if you have a contagion. No one wants to get sick in this time of CoVid, etc.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.