
Sure wish I could.

Sleep, that is.

As we are no longer anesthetizing ourselves with Brandy, I am no longer able to sleep; not until about 4:30am. And that is getting really old.

I have tried Benadryl, in varying amounts, but to no avail. I guess I’ll sleep when I can’t stay awake any longer.

My brain just won’t be still. I think of the groceries that need buying, in order to make all of the lovely dishes I have seen being prepared by others in YT videos. Then, there’s the bills that need to be paid; have I checked them for the 59th time yet? Oh, how about the ideas that I want to post?

I have made an unexceptional batch of Kombucha recently. I believe I waited too long, and now it is a bit sour. I hate when I do that. But, oh well.

Going to go to the grocery store later today. Did I put _____ on the list? Should I get up and put it on the list now? Probably not. I should be sleeping.

But I’m not.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

I’m going to have a cup of coffee.