Simple joys

The new coffee maker comes today. That probably does not excite anyone but me, but, there it is.

We have been making instant coffee most days; that is the way it is drank (drunk) in most homes here. (I tried to look up which form of drink to use, but, as the internet is so slow at the moment I decided I did not care anymore. My hair grew a centimeter while I waited.)

The sourdough starter is off and running, well, bubbling, actually. It still has a very immature smell to it, so, I need to let it mature for another week, or so, before I start using it again. I am just so thankful, and, amazed, that it keeps rebounding so easily. Feeding a thing appears to be quite helpful! Who knew?!?

As I said the other day, the first batch of kombucha has been made, yesterday, and another will be made in three, or four weeks. That way the supply will be continuous, and not full on, in your face, hurry up and drink me. Besides, the last batch was too sour, just short of turning into vinegar, and not very pleasant.

That is what happens when one ignores a fermentation for too long; it just changes into something else. Usually vinegar.

I always feel that I cannot make a mistake with these kinds of things. I took on the responsibility to feed, and care for the SCOBY, then, because I was lazy, I ignored it. The same goes for the sourdough starter. I started it, got lazy, and put it in fridge prison for two months. Who does that?

That was in the past; done. I will do my best to keep all of this going, plus the plants, making sure I do my best for their benefit. Actually, the symbiosis of this relationship will, as it implies, help any of us; those of us that drink the fermented kombucha, or eat the sourdough bread. Therefore, it is in our best interest to keep all of these wonders alive, and healthy; percolating nicely on the countertop, not in the fridge.

A little secret: I do keep some starter, once it is mature, in the fridge as a “backup” should something go wrong with the starter on the counter. Plus, I have dried a batch of the original, and have that in a zip closed bag in the cupboard. That one is the backup of the fridge backup. It took so long to get it started, I cannot even think about having to start all over again. It was painful.

Enough of that. The new coffee maker is on its way, and I am anxious to make room on the counter for it. We have been drinking Red Bull’s, which are great, but expensive. As we have been off of our sleep schedules, it sometimes takes two RB’s to wake up. To pour another hot cup of coffee, already brewed, right out of the pot, and enjoy it, well, I am sure most of you know what I am saying. Simple joys.

While I patiently wait for said coffee maker, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.