Series’ finished

Two of them; two series finished; finally.

Of course I will watch them again; it is just what I do. When I find a series into which I put all of the time needed to finish it, it is a series that is, IMHO, worth watching.

Supernatural, and Goliath. I finally finished Supernatural, after only three years trying to get there. Then, last night, I finished season four of Goliath. Both worth watching. I have not however, been able to finish Blacklist, because we cannot get anything past season seven here yet.

Remember, we do not get the final season of many series until a year, or so, after it has aired in the US. Even with a subscription to Prime Video, via Amazon, or Netflix, etc., it is still some time before we can finish a series. That said, I end up having to re-watch a couple of episodes, or even a few seasons, in order to pick up where I ended.

Not to mention, as I have before, I do not always watch a series; sometimes I only listen to it, with an occasional glance while I am knitting. I am knitting again, the baby blanket for Lizbeth, so I am back to glancing.

I am also “watching” Elementary, again. It is definitely one I can knit and listen. Bull was good, to a degree; as was the Good Doctor. The latter, in the fourth season, is airing the CoVid episodes. Just glad I am no longer an active nurse.

Am open to new, used, enjoyed series suggestions. Whether I can watch them here will be a crap shoot, so bring them on.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

2 thoughts on “Series’ finished”

  1. I am watching and thoroughly enjoying Sleepy Hollow (not the movie) and Blindspot… both are on Hulu.. The Chosen is absolutely fabulous… either YouTube or an app called VidAngel
    Let me know if you like these

  2. I have seen SH but not Blindspot. Hulu is too expensive here. Don’t know about the Chosen; I will check it out. Thanks. 👻

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