Self isolation

Down here, for us anyway, it is very easy to self-isolate. We are a couple that enjoy each other’s company more than “outsiders”, if you will. We have always been more interested in each other than, say, running over to someone’s house, to watch a movie, or TV show, have a cook out, etc.

Right now, there only twenty one cases of the virus, here in Mexico City. I have the feeling that the CoVid 19 virus will probably not affect us, as we always wash our hands upon leaving any place we have been- the Metro, the grocery store, a taxi. It is second nature to us. It is unfortunate that so many have been affected by this virus. People need to start washing their hands. You can not have any idea who has touched something before you did. And, what was on their hands, that they did not wash off before touching it?

You can really start to see how germaphobes get to be that way, once you start thinking of the possibilities. Gross.

One last thought- why do people not understand the importance of the simple task of washing their hands? So many epidemics, pandemics could be lessened, or stopped altogether, by simple hand washing. What is it that makes people forget something this important? Laziness, that is my guess. People think they have so many more important things to do, they do not have time to wash, with soap and water. You do not need to use hand sanitizers all of the time. In fact, you should not use them too frequently as they remove all of the helpful flora from your skin. But a minute or two, to save the world from this kind of madness- not asking too much.