Hurrying, to nowhere

I just found myself, having walked, hurriedly, into the pantry, seemingly unaware of why I needed to be there. What was so important that I needed to come here, and so quickly?

No doubt some of you experience this same phenomenon, on occasion. It can be quite frustrating, depending on the importance of the need.

I stood there, hands on hips, just staring at the metal shelving, holding our pots, and pans, and whatnot; you have probably seen a photo. Then, I started turning, giving the area a full sweep of my vision; praying that something would spark recognition.

Ah, yes. Milk. I needed a couple of cartons of milk; one for the bowls of cereal I was going to make for the two of us, (Cheerios with banana), and two for the fridge. There. I remembered.

As I started walking through the laundry area, (the pantry is adjacent to, but beyond, said laundry area), I noticed that the washing machine had its little light on, signaling that the load was finished, and, therefore, needed to be put in the dryer.

Do I finish with making the bowls of cereal, or stop, and put the quilt in the dryer? I still have to cut up the bananas, add a Splenda to Ivan’s, then pour the milk, and deliver the prepared fare.

Or, do I stop, put the quilt in the dryer first, and get that started, then do the cereal?

There is also the vacuuming, and mopping that I have to get started. I have so many things to do, in what order should I do them?

Why am I standing in the laundry area? And, with three boxes of milk?

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Oh. Right. The cereal.