
Last night I set my phone alarm to wake us up at seven o’clock today so we could a) get ready to go to the Office of Immigration, and b) start getting us back into a routine.

For the past seven months we have been going to bed around eleven thirty, waiting for Ivan’s dad, Juan, to finish watching the “noticias” (news) with his nephew Juan. We usually got to sleep, if we did not get our “second wind”, sometime after midnight. As domino’s fall, that made getting out of bed anytime before ten, or ten thirty close to impossible. So, we started our days halfway through them. Rarely did we leave the house before one in the afternoon. Day wasted.

So, now, we have started rearranging our lives back to what was normal for us- up early, walk in the park, have breakfast and coffee, run errands, etc. No more late nights, wasted mornings. It is back to “early to bed, early to rise”. You know the rest.

We have long stopped eating at nine o’clock at night, customary here, because we did not have enough time to digest anything before going to bed. No good. We are, also, no longer eating more then twice a day, and really skimming back on our portions of everything. We are not “starving” ourselves either. Do not even consider that. But, we are not, or, I really should say I am not hungry all of the time. Something new for me. I remember listening to a black comedian saw she heard a coworker say she forgot to eat lunch, and, how does anyone forget to eat?! I can see, now, how that is possible. We have been so busy with our move, and have so little food in the condo right now, that it is easy to skip a meal, or two.