Round 3

I’m giving it another go.

Probably not the last go, but another go.

Thyme, oregano, basil. Again.

I bought bunches of each of these herbs, again, from Soriana, and am trying, again, to get the little buggers to grow. This time, it seems to be working. I’m not sure if you can see the roots beginning to form, but they’re there.

Lavender, from the park.

The above lavender, that I reallocated from the park, is actually growing. All of the tiny leaves are soft, and wonderful smelling. It has been in the pot for about 3 weeks now. When I stop trying to drown them, they grow quite nicely. I really need to stop drowning the plants, poor things.

I also bought a couple packages of rosemary, and have stripped several of the stems, to the soft tops, and have put them into the same small glass yogurt glasses as in the first photo. I am hoping they, too, will take root. I have seen, on the internet, that all 4 of those herbs can, and do, grow well in water. Yay! I can’t drown them.

Here they all are; all growing roots. Rosemary on the far left.

We shall see.

For now, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.

When you have a moment, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and remember how proud you were reciting it when you were young. Tomorrow, celebrate the day of our independence from England, becoming proud once again.