
Riding my bike has become a chore. I have discovered that this foldable bike is vastly different than a standard sized bike.

I have hit curbs, run into bushes, fallen going up a driveway entrance. It is embarrassing. I have ridden bicycles since I was four years old; how can I have forgotten how they work?

I have not forgotten; as I said earlier, this foldable bike is completely different. I think it is the driver, actually, though I am not sure, at the moment. The driver of this bicycle is older than the she was the last time she rode a bike, and her equilibrium is off, especially with the deafness of her right ear. Excuses, excuses.

Practice. I keep thinking that I will go outside, every morning, and ride around the park; quietly, in no hurry, with no traffic to concern me. Then something always comes up, (thank the Lord) to keep me from said practice. I mean well, I just do not follow through.

Then, I end up riding my bike over to the cousin’s house, to deliver a loaf of bread, and end up falling into shrubs, or hitting a curb; all in traffic I am unsure of. Very embarrassing; not to mention scary, and painful.

It is as if I have developed a palsy when riding. Something happens to the handlebars, and they go back and forth without my control. Embarrassing. It is similar to driving a large vehicle for years, a Cadillac, say, and then driving a MiniCooper. Everything is different. The center of gravity, (Lord knows my center is off), is to short; there is no room for error. So, I run into things. Practice, practice, practice. Ha.

Eventually, I will ride the darned thing without fear of doing myself irreparable harm, but until then, you know what to do. Please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. We are doing the same. Well, except for the bike riding, that is.