
We have spent the last 5 days in Heaven.

Commonly referred to as Los Altos.

It feels like what I think of as Heaven; fresh air, sunshine, family, and friends.

There was a birthday party for Gabi, who just turned 5 years old; how time flies when you get older.

There was a festival in town, for reasons unknown to me at this typing.

We revisited a town called Ixhuacán de los Reyes, about an hour’s drive from the house, that we visited a year, or so ago. It remains as breathtakingly beautiful as it was the first time. It is higher up in the mountains than Los Altos, and is usually foggy. It is foggy because one is up in the clouds.

We can only walk a short ways before having to stop for air; deep breathing at its finest. The results of any climbing done around there is well worth the difficulties in being there. Believe me.

As you can see, we aren’t even close to the top of the mountain.

After walking part way up the mountain, we came to an area that is considered “blessed” by the Virgin Mary, where the water runoff from the mountain is gathered for blessings, in any containers available. Many use their hands, cups, bowls, anything they can find to gather the water right there, to bestow a blessing on those within the family. It really is quite beautiful.

Then, down again we went.

On the way home, a sister of Maria’s, Jesús’ mom, was seen. We stopped at her house, met her family, talked for a bit, then started back home. The photos below show the vista they get to appreciate from their home.

Looking out, and to the right of their back door.
Looking out, and to the left.

It was a wonderful day, much needed in our time of self isolation.

Things are going to be a bit different upon our return, however. Liz and I are going to start a campaign of weight loss and exercise. It is her fault I gained so much weight during her pregnancy, don’t ya know 🙂 (I didn’t want her to be heavy all by herself.) So, now, we are going to start walking around the park during the day. They have a new/used stroller she can use to carry Brandon, and I have

Sneakers. Not much else to recommend me, but they should get me out there, get me walking again.

Plus, we are teaching each other the languages we need to communicate.

I am going to close now; I smell breakfast downstairs, and my stomach is growling. Coffee first, then, whatever that is that smells so good.

Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: please don’t let your guard down just yet. There are other viruses everywhere, mutating, just waiting for someone to not wash their hands, and put them to their mouth. Stay vigilant; not crazed, just aware. There will always be viruses. Hopefully we have learned a bit more about said critters.

Post post script: I didn’t make it to the wonderful smelling breakfast but, after about a minute of deliberation this afternoon, Jesús has decided we can stay another night. Well, if we must. 😂😂😂😂