A few weeks ago, I wanted the opportunity to clean the fridge, and freezer; the easier of the two first.
That would be the freezer. All I had to do, when organizing the freezer, was to take everything out, throw away what was no longer edible, (rare), vacuum seal anything that needed it, and put what was left back inside. Done, and dusted.
The fridge, however, is an entirely different beast. I have to maneuver the fridge out of the built in cocoon in which it resides, gently coax it around the edge of said cocoon so it is facing, slightly, the middle of the room, and try to get the doors open far enough to be able to remove the shelves from the fridge itself. (The available floor space is approximately 9’x5’.)

Having said that, once the fridge is “in position”, there is no getting in, or out of the kitchen, as there is no room to get through the door. And, Heaven forbid I find that I forgot to do something having already put the shelves back in, and moved the fridge back, because once it’s in, it’s in. Yes, I’ve done that one too many times.
As you’ve seen in previous photos, we have an LC French door, bottom freezer fridge which we wouldn’t change for the world. I don’t think a regular opening fridge door would have made any difference in my ability to remove the shelves as the amount of space in the room is so small.
Needless to say, I only clean it when I absolutely have to. Even then, it is with the utmost disdain. You know what? I hate cleaning the fridge even more than I hate dusting. Now that’s saying something.
I didn’t take any photo’s before cleaning the freezer because I just got down, and did it. Here are the results.

That’s it for another whimsical day in the apartment. We’re ramping up for the Christmas holidays; how about you?
Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.