
Nope. Still not a go.

Did you have any thoughts that I could do this in only 2 visits to the INM? Surely not.

Now, after the 2nd visit, the government wants me to clarify that, having, unfortunately, signed our marriage license as Diana L. Nelson, my maiden name, I have to find a notary, with I have no idea what paperwork, to have them document that DLN, and I, are the same person.

It was the first marriage for me; I had no idea that I was supposed to sign my married name. Sue me. The license is 46 years old, next month. What am I supposed to do about it all these years later?

Anyway, we have to find a notary here, I have no idea where, but we will persevere, because that is what we do. All of the other paperwork was accepted, however. That was a miracle in itself.

So, I asked the nice young lady, why the license was acceptable for the issuance of my temporary residency 2 years ago, but not today. I was told she didn’t have access to what was filed 2 years ago. BS. All she had to do was look in my digital file, on her computer. Argh!!!

While we are scaring up a notary public, (sure wish I could still ask a former coworker, or go to the Administrator’s office at the hospital where I worked, and get this taken care of,) stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I have 2 days worth of sunburn on my shoulders, arms, neck. Quite a dark red, especially for such a delicate member of the species such as myself. Good start on a tan however.