

I have spent several hours, over the last forty eight, repotting most of the newest plants- again.

Most of the beautiful, tiny little succulents have drowned, and are gone. The few that are left, the medium sized ones, while still alive, are all looking a bit ……. unhappy.

I have taken the few succulents that were left in the pretty terracotta looking bowl, (I will have to find something else to put in that. Cacti, maybe. Hmmm.) and planted them, individually, in real terracotta pots. They need to be watered from the bottom up; set in an aluminum tray with water for fifteen minutes, then removed.

The unsightly brown things, next to the new baby Topsy Turvy’s, are the leaves from the parent plant, which will, eventually, finally dry up and fall off. The leaf on the middle plant has already fallen off.

Evidently, they prefer to be watered from the bottom, not the top. Soak the roots, then let the whole thing dry out before doing this again. I do not remember reading that bit of information when I was researching them. Damn.

I also divided, and repotted the three small Birds Nest Snake plants that were growing in the same, small pot. Now, they each have a pot to

Live in!!! (That was funny. Admit it.)

I also have a Monstera Deliciosa, (Swiss Cheese plant), and a Schefflera, (umbrella plant) thriving, finally. Why, you ask? Because they are growing in water, so I cannot drown them. Yay!!!

I do believe that is all of this morning; I have loads of laundry that require my immediate assistance. For whatever reason, they cannot take are of themselves- go figure!

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.