Renewal, racism

Never say it! Yesterday, I missed my renewal date for this domain site. I have since renewed it, and, I am happy to report, good for three years. I am not sure if I will continue much past that, however.

Three years seems like a long time, especially in these times of lethal viruses; with people bringing allowed to do the horrible things they are doing. It makes me want to become a hermit, which would be quite easily done.

Sorry about that last paragraph; someone will probably decide it was a racist statement.

I am so tired of reading in the news that everything we think, say, or feel is becoming misconstrued as racist ideology. I really could care less what color your skin is. If you are intelligent, then, you are. If you are an idiot, then, you are. The color of your skin is completely irrelevant; to me, anyway. I base my perception of you on the things you say, and do, not what the others of your race do. I expect you to do the same of me.

In no way do I represent all others of the Anglo-Saxon race, nor do I wish to. Each person, as an individual, must represent themselves as they will. I will admit to being an intelligent WASC, living my dream in a part of the world that does not understand what the heck is going on in the USA. I am well educated scholastically, as well as socially, and enjoy being allowed the freedom to express my views when, and how, or if I want, while not being slurred for doing so.

Wow! Tell us how you really feel Diana!

Glad I got all of that off my chest. On to better things.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.