Remodel update

You may be interested to know that our remodeling adventure is coming to an end.

We have ordered what we believe to be the last pieces of furniture to be made, which will, in theory, be delivered sometime before the holidays. If not, then, after the holidays. All the same to us. Done is done.

Meanwhile, we have some neighbors, upstairs, two floors above us, that have just begun their remodeling. The construction noise, from eight thirty in the morning until six in the evening, is incredible. I hope our remodeling did not sound this loud.

That said, Ivan has been shuffling the contents of totes back and forth, from this tote, to that tote, only to be put into another tote altogether. He has, magically, made a much more livable space for us to ….. wait for it….. live in.

Our biggest problem with that is trying to remember where everything is, or was, or might be. Jesús has taken at least a dozen totes, large, and small, up to our storage space on the roof. We have only, more or less, a dozen more to empty, or, rearrange, and we will be tote-free. Everyone should be tote-free. They are useful things, but take up so much livable space, and look terrible. It should tell you something that we have gotten used to the “look”; I am calling it “hardware chic”. 😉

Conversely, it is so quiet here, after construction stops, without Lizbeth, and Gabi; you could hear a pin drop. (If I was lackadaisical about such things; but I am not). I will be right back. Do not go anywhere.

Sorry for the interruption; I heard knocking, which I thought was the front door. But NO! It was the construction workers upstairs. The funnier thing was that two other apartment dwellers, on this floor, opened their doors as well. Now that was funny. (It has been a difficult two weeks. One laughs at whatever one can find about which to laugh.)

I will end with a simple note: I would like you to understand that Juan’s health is continuing to decline. He will not be leaving us physically, but will do so spiritually, sooner than I expected. I am not going to keep updating you, as I had hoped to do, but will let you know when he leaves us. These were his wishes, and we swore to him that we would respect them. We have.

You, however, need to stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.