I’d rather not.
That said, I remembered, recently, that over the past 2-3 years I’ve been printing out recipes that I’d like to try making, but haven’t. Yet.
I had put the notebook away in the pantry, in a plastic tub, and had forgotten all about it. The other, while I was in there looking for Heaven only knows what, I happened to see the tub, on the floor, and could make out the notebook inside.
It wasn’t difficult to see, it’s so big. But, as I said, I had forgotten its existence.
This evening, I retrieved it, and started looking through it. My enthusiasm has been rekindled to try finding recipes that I’ve been wanting to try.
Here’s what I’ve done so far.
I have my work cut out for me, for the foreseeable future that is. I now have to find the round punch hole protectors, and the 3 hole punch. They’re here somewhere.
In the meantime, going through all of those will refresh my memory, and help me with my weekly menu prep. (That’s been going really well, BTW.) Our food wastage has been cut back to almost zero.
Until next time, stay safe. Try to be happy as well.