
I don’t know about you, but I use our Vacuum sealer quite frequently.

Knowing this, we bought 2 mega refill boxes of plastic rolls before we moved down here, in both the small, and larger widths. We gave one box away, and ended up buying a cheaper variety not all that long ago.

Now, however, I have decided to smarten up a bit. I make each bag just a bit too big, so that when I open it up, and use the contents, I can wash the bag, hang it up to dry in the laundry room, and reuse it. Duh!

Don’t know why I haven’t done that for all of these years. I do know why, actually. I’m sure it was because of the disposable society we lived in up North.

Down here, it’s not so easy to use things, then throw them away. It’s too difficult to replace what you’ve discarded.

So, when we’re not ducking when going through the laundry area because of clean clothes hanging up to dry, it’s plastic bags, of all shapes, and sizes. Look at these.

I can use a Ziplock bag about a dozen different times. Once it gets a hole in it, however, it’s done. But, until that time, it’s fair game. The reusable bags I bought, like the one with the blue band in the above photo, are really difficult to close. Once those are all on the way out, I will save up, and invest in the newer types of reusable bags. Not until then, though.

I hope that gives any of you a bit of encouragement in your efforts to recycle. Once you get the hang of it, it’s easy, and rewarding. Just a bit inconvenient at times.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.