
We have returned from spending another glorious weekend in Los Altos, with our newly acquired family; the Garcia’s, et al.

There is nothing quite like the peace, and quiet of the small town, puebla, that is Los Altos. There are less than five thousand inhabitants, however, you would never know there were that many people living there. As I already said, it is quiet; and, unlike here, there are no dogs barking incessantly.

The air is fresh, and cold at night, but fresh and cool during the day. We require a thermal shirt over a tee shirt during the day, so the thermal can be removed on the chance of it getting too warm. But at night, even in the house, a thermal, plus a vest, or jacket, or sweater is necessary.

There is no central anything in the house; nothing but love. It makes for the absolute best nights sleeping ever. The first night anyway. The second night is usually a toss up. But the first night, Friday night, we both slept at least seven hours; I think Ivan slept for nine. Talk about recharged! It was marvelous.

And no one cares that we were not up in time for breakfast. When we got up, Maria, Jesús’ mom, always has hot water ready for a cup of coffee for us. That, and a bag of pastries. Remember, here, the pastries are not cloyingly sweet. They have just enough sugar to be enticing, making you want to finish the piece; about two hundred and seventy degrees different than the pastries up North. That is another one of the myriad things I love about being here.

We are back now, and, I am happy to report, the plants have all survived. In fact, I do believe they have thrived without this worry wart always hovering. Lesson learned. Plus, do not forget that I have, and am following the new app I got, Plantin. It is just what I needed. One of these days I will upload some photos of the beauties.

Not today, however. Today is Monday, and I have scads of laundry to do. Please stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones. I am off to enjoy the delights of washing day. Adios.