
In degrees Celsius, it was four degrees this morning- that is forty degrees Fahrenheit, to you folks. I am hereby declaring it officially cold.

In fact, it is cold enough that, day before yesterday, Ivan went out to the garage, found, and, brought in, one of our space heaters, and, put it in Juan’s room, (our cousin). He had had the forethought, the other day, to buy three more space heaters, (we have two more that we brought with us, out in a tote, somewhere in the garage), on, that were, fortunately, delivered yesterday. We got to use them last night, in fact. I do believe that everyone got to sleep in the comfort of upwards of seventy four degrees Fahrenheit.

It has been getting increasingly colder over the past weeks. I was content at only being chilly, until yesterday. Now that it is reaching only into the forties, and, fifties during the day, the house, being all cement, stone, and tile, has absorbed all of the cold, and is not giving off any heat, anywhere.

Coming down, every morning, to the dining room area, I sit at the dining room table, to type my posts. I must tell you that today, quite honestly, I am having a bit of difficulty typing, my hands are so cold. (I have no idea where my fingerless mittens are at the moment, but have every intention of looking for them later in the day).

There is no central heating, or cooling, in México, so one has to have a space heater in order to have any heat at all. Do I even need to discuss showering in this cold? No? Good. I did not think so. Thank you.

Unfortunately, for the three of us, we only have our summer wardrobe available to us, as we had no idea we would not, already, be in the condo. The rest of our clothes are in the totes, in the freezing garage! Ivan and I did just go to Costco, yesterday, and bought some warmer clothes for Juan, Ivan’s dad. Nothing like the long underwear, sweaters, etc., that he had in Bettendorf, for sure. We will have to make do until we get to the condo.

I think I will try to convince Pepe to start another fire in the fireplace, like the one we had on New Years Eve. It was gorgeous, not to mention warm.

And, here I thought I was never going to get cold. Hah!