
It’s 4:38am.

I cannot sleep.

We went to bed hours ago. Neither of us could sleep. WTH?

So may nights we sit here, in front of our computers, watching videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Prime video, I have become like a reverse toy doll; when I am watching a show my eyes start to close, so I go to bed. As soon as I lie down, I am staring at the ceiling. What is up with that?

So, after staring up for an hour, or so, I get up and start the entire cycle again.

Usually, by 5 am, or so, I can finally fall asleep, only to get up around noon. What a waste of a day. I enjoy the mornings, and I miss having that quiet time to myself. Now, though, with an apartment teeming with people, that isn’t an option at the present.

Who knows what the future holds? I certainly don’t. We are enjoying the company for as long as they are willing to stay. Liz is recovering from the cesarean section she had last week, getting around quite well. Baby Brandon is nursing now, and has gained a bit of weight, though it is hard to tell as he is still engulfed in blankets.

Jesús, Gabi, Alicia, Ivan and I are all clicking along quite well. Time to get moving, and start the day. Have a great one. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.