
Would it be alright with you folks if I got a few hours of sleep?

Tried to get some sleep last night, but, no! My back, and legs were having none of it. Let me show you how I spent the wee hours this morning.

My newest potting bench. Hahaha.

After two RedBulls™, beginning at about eight thirty this morning, I was able to get some work done.

This is what we see upon opening the front door. Our own small jungle.

Let me say that the living room is becoming the living room we both envisioned, more, or less, when we bought this place, a year ago. It sure seems like two, but, not so.

I was sitting here, just a few minutes ago, listening to a gentle rain, outside the open living room window. This is the latest view I have from the dining table. Awesome.

I am going to go watch some more episodes of Supernatural, season thirteen, take a Benadryl, and hopefully, get some sleep.

Now, I am not sure how I am going to go about getting said sleep, unless I indulge in another Benadryl. Not set against it; it just has consequences days from now.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: You may be interested to know that, at about twelve thirty this morning, I was able to do my ten minute Daily OM myofascial back stretches, took the Benadryl, and slept all night. The end.